ISCC & SURE declarations
The respective self-declaration for the delivery of waste relevant to the Renewable Energy Directive as amended, in particular used cooking oil, waste wood, sewage sludge and food waste as well as substitute fuels, is a valid part of the contract between Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG and its customers. The customer's attention is drawn to the self-declarations in the offer, in the contract and in the GTC. If the self-declaration forms part of the written contract, it shall be deemed to have been recognised from the effective date of the contract. If the self-declaration is included in the contract via the written offer or via the GTC, it shall be deemed to have been recognised if the customer does not declare its objection to Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG within 14 days of the offer being sent or the reference to the GTC being sent. If the customer does not object to the validity of the self-declaration, this shall be deemed to be consent and the self-declaration shall be deemed to be recognised upon expiry of the 14 days.