Disposable medical instruments recycling

Sparen Sie Kosten und stärken Sie Ihr Image durch unser Recycling medizinischer Einweginstrumente. Wir bieten Ihnen eine maßgeschneiderte Sammlungslösung, die Abfälle effizient in wertvolle Ressourcen umwandelt – nachhaltig, wirtschaftlich und sicher. Profitieren Sie von einem geschlossenen Materialkreislauf für Ihre Einrichtung!
There is a strong trend in hospitals and care facilities towards use of disposal medical instruments made of stainless steel and medical steel, including scissors, tweezers and clamps. In contrast to reusable instruments, disposable instruments do not need thorough cleaning or sterilisation after use, which has economic benefits. Separate collection of disposable instruments is essential to ensuring that these resources undergo high-quality recycling. We offer the option of safe sorting and collection of waste to ensure 100 per cent material recycling of disposable surgical instruments. The recovered material is then used to produce equivalent new, high-quality products.

Our services:

  • Provision of containers for the collection of disposable medical instruments in sizes of 5 to 30 litres
  • A collection schedule for disposable instruments based on the size and needs of the facility (hospital, care facility, doctor’s surgery, etc.)
  • Proper and professional collection by our certified disposal operation
  • Nationwide collection and logistics network
  • Comprehensive incoming goods inspection and collection/storage of freightable quantities
  • Transfer of the pure-grade fraction to a scrap recycling firm or ironworks for 100 per cent materials recycling
  • Issue of a confirmation of recycling

Your benefits:

  • Cost benefit through reduction in non-medical hazardous waste (SN 97104) and possible reimbursement for recyclable materials
  • Reputation boost thanks to circular thinking
  • Pure-grade, high-quality and 100 per cent material recycling, thus closing the loop
  • Receipt of confirmation of recycling

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Frequently asked questions

Only disposable instruments with a low risk of injury, such as scissors, tweezers and clamps, are collected for recycling. Other instruments, like needles, scalpels and heavily contaminated surgical instruments, including those with a high risk of injury, are not collected separately.

With pure-grade collection, the material can be melted down with no loss of quality and turned into equivalent products. Secondary metallurgy (remelting of scrap metal) is many times more energy efficient than primary metallurgy (extraction and melting of ores).

After use, instruments are cleaned by being wiped down with disinfectant before being placed into separate containers that are separated from other medical waste. Saubermacher collects the full container when needed and carries out incoming goods inspections before storage on site. Freightable quantities are sent to ironworks at regular intervals. There, pure-grade material is melted down and used for the production of equivalent products.

Disposable instruments made exclusively of metal, which pose no (major) risk of injury and are free of plastics or electronics (e.g. endoscopes, etc.).

Disposable instruments are currently classified as medically non-hazardous waste (SN 97104) and are incinerated. Chemical waste disinfection is carried out in accordance with ÖNORM S2104 by means of a simple wipe with disinfectant by medical personnel (e.g. with disinfectant wipes), which allows it to be declared as its material, e.g. chrome steel waste (SN 35103). This is the requirement for separated collection and recycling.

Melting pure-grade material avoids the burning of metallic instruments. These lose quality during the combustion process and make only downcycling possible. Recycling can, however, be carried out multiple times with no loss of quality.

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