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Saubermacher Ecoport in Feldkirchen bei Graz ist die moderne Firmenzentrale des Saubermacher Konzerns


Saubermacher Ecoport in Feldkirchen bei Graz ist die moderne Firmenzentrale des Saubermacher Konzerns


Saubermacher was founded by Hans and Margret Roth in 1979 with the aim of contributing every single day to an environment worth living in. Even today, the Roth family is the main owner of the company. Saubermacher has already received several international awards for its commitment to sustainability. Our vision is Zero Waste. We are highly committed to R&D, digital innovations and partnerships. We support residents, local authorities and companies with environmental protection, sustainable enterprise and needs-based solutions.

Hügellandschaft bei Sonnenaufgang
Our company in figures
we employ
we process
every year
3.5 million
tonnes of waste
we support
Mädchen spielt im Wald

Our Vision

Zero Waste.

Our ‘Zero Waste’ vision is a commitment to real sustainability – it’s not a theory, but established practice. Nowadays, we are able to recover much of the raw and reusable material contained in waste. Our ‘Zero Waste’ vision takes us a step further. Our aim for the future is - in consideration of waste avoidance or re-use – to recycle everything where possible, so that there’s no waste left behind. Zero. Full stop. To achieve that, we give one hundred per cent.

Saubermacher Anlage


Innovations with environmental benefits

With a constant flow of new ideas and innovations thanks to our in-house R&D and cooperation, we are driving forward waste logistics and recovery and recycling of key raw materials. Key technologies, a first-class team and close cooperation with our customers and partners help us to achieve our aims. Our Zero Waste solutions are tailored to our clients, representing a win-win situation for everyone. For the environment. For people. And for your business.

Our high recycling rates enable us to save around 612,000 metric tons of CO2 each year. In addition, our sustainability consulting services help companies increase their recycling rates and reduce their environmental impact.


For an environment worth living in

Climate and environmental protection are very close to our hearts, and we’ve proven that again and again. There are three pillars to what we do, treatment/recycling of waste, environmental protection and environmental advice. We also use automatic route optimisation, test alternative drive systems and use 100% eco-electricity. Plus, our sustainability advice helps companies to increase their recycling rates and reduce environmental pollution.

Mission Statement

Taking responsibility

For the people.

We consider our priority to be to generate value for customers and society. To reach this aim, we meet the requirements of our customers with utmost flexibility. And guarantee innovative, tailor-made solutions for the worlds of today and tomorrow. We are a dependable and fair employer and value the individuality of our employees while promoting personal and professional development. We offer a range of enrichment opportunities.

For the environment.

We are aware of the consequences of our business on people and nature, so we strive to recycle as many raw materials as possible and operate in a way that conserves resources for future generations. Transparency and care are our constant guiding principles in all processing and recycling operations. We promote public awareness of ecological issues with ongoing climate protection measures.

For the company.

We take economic principles seriously and act reasonably, following effective and efficient processes throughout the added value chain. We act with clear goals and develop perspectives for successful future development. Constant improvement and the use of state-of-the art technologies help to ensure our competitiveness and company value.

Zwei Personen beim Wandern
Taking responsibility for people, the environment and the company. We offer flexible solutions, promote individual development and focus on sustainable practices.

Shaping the future

For society, municipalities and ecology.

We consider it our social obligation to help shape the waste and recycling industry in Austria and other countries in central and south-eastern Europe. As a forerunner in the industry, our knowledge makes a valuable contribution to further development and environmental standards. We are an active partner in all areas of waste management for lawmakers, for research and development facilities and for the state sector and are always prepared to share our knowledge. Our input and ideas have become an important contribution to an environment worth living in.

Shaping the future together: We are responsible to society, regions and ecology. As a pioneer in waste and recycling management, we set environmental standards and are active cooperation partners.

The Saubermacher Board

Georg Ketzler
Georg Ketzler
Member of the Board, CFO
Ralf Mittermayr
Ralf Mittermayr
Chairman of the Board, CEO
Dr. Andreas Opelt
Andreas Opelt
Member of the Board, COO

Our story

It all began back in 1979 with Hans and Margret Roth, their courage to take risks and their vision of an environment worth living in. It was a time when still very few had recognised the potential of intelligent waste management. The company’s evolution from a small regional service provider to an international, multi award winning recycling and disposal specialist is nothing short of impressive. Despite the company’s development, one thing has never changed – people and the environment were and still are at the heart of everything.

1979 - Gründung unter dem Namen Roth-Umweltschutz im oststeirischen Gnas, erste Entsorgungsaufträge von umliegenden Gemeinden

Roth-Umweltschutz is founded with five employees in the eastern Styrian city of Gnas.

1982 - Start der Altpapierentsorgung in 107 Gemeinden in der Süd-, Ost- und Obersteiermark

Waste paper disposal starts in 107 municipalities in Styria.


First mobile hazardous waste collection.

1984 - Erste Tankstellenentsorgung der Steiermark

First petrol station waste disposal in Styria.

1985 - Erste mobile Klärschlammaufbereitungsanlage

First mobile sewage sludge treatment plant.

1985 - Erste Krankenhausentsorgung in der Steiermark

First hospital waste disposal in Styria.

1986 - Einführung des 3-Tonnen-Systems in Österreich (Mureck). Trennung in Glas, Papier und Restmüll

The three-container system is introduced in Austria – separation into glass, paper and residual waste.

1986 - Erster Kanalspül- und Saugwagen Österreichs

First sewer flushing and suction tanker in Austria.

1988 - Erstes Leuchstofflampen-Recycling Österreichs

First fluorescent light bulb recycling in Austria.

1990 - Erstes Umweltforum - Treffpunkt für Initiativen, Behörden, Medien und engagierte Bürger1990 - Erstes Umweltforum - Treffpunkt für Initiativen, Behörden, Medien und engagierte Bürger

First refrigerator disposal in Austria.

1990 - Erstes Umweltforum - Treffpunkt für Initiativen, Behörden, Medien und engagierte Bürger

The ‘Bodenschatz’ (natural resource) brand is introduced for natural compost.

1990 - Gründung von Saubermacher Slowenien

Saubermacher Slovenia is founded.

1990 - Erstes Umweltforum - Treffpunkt für Initiativen, Behörden, Medien und engagierte Bürger

First environmental forum – a meeting point for initiatives, authorities, the media and interested citizens.

1992 - Gründung des Hartberger Saubermacher

PPP Hartberger Saubermacher is founded.

1993 - Erstes Küchenabfall-Entsorgungssystem Bio Refood Österreich

First kitchen waste disposal system in Austria – ‘Bio Refood’.

1994 - Margret Roth - Umweltfrau des Jahres

Margret Roth – female environmental personality of the year.

1995 - Erster Entsorgungsfachbetrieb Österreichs mit dem Qualitätszertifikat ISO9002

First Austrian waste management company with ISO 9002 quality certificate.

1996 - Kooperation mit der Wirtschaft und dem Land Steiermarl zur Sammlug von Elektroaltgeräten

Co-operation with Styrian government and industrial partners to collect waste electrical and electronic equipment.

1996 - Saubermacher präsentiert das erste Elektroauto und die erste Saubermacher Straßenbahn als rollendes Mülltransportprospekt in Graz

Saubermacher presents the first electric vehicle and the first Saubermacher tram in Graz.

1997 - Gründung des Mürztaler Saubermacher in Kapfenberg

PPP Mürztaler Saubermacher is founded.

2000 - Start der kommunalen Partnerschaft mit der Stadtgemeinde Mödling

Beginning of partnership with the municipality of Mödling.


PPP Villacher Saubermacher is founded.

2001 - Erste Entsorgung am Mount Everest mit Extremsportler Wolfgang Fasching

First disposal operation on Mount Everest with extreme sportsman Wolfgang Fasching.

Hans Roth, Saubermacher

Hans Roth is entrepreneur of the year.

2002 - Umweltschutzpreis Steiermark

Saubermacher wins the environmental protection prize for Styria.


The high-tech alternative fuel processing plant ThermoTeam is opened.

2004 - Inbetriebnahme der Splittinganlage in Wien

Splitting plant in Vienna begins operation.

2006 - Übernahme des internationalen Unternehmens Rumpold mit über 1.000 Mitarbeitern

Takeover of the international firm Rumpold with more than 1000 employees.

2006 - Labor clug Spezialist für Umweltanalytik

The clug laboratory is founded, a specialist in environmental analysis.

2006 - Übernahme des internationalen Unternehmens Rumpold mit über 1.000 Mitarbeitern

State award – Saubermacher is awarded the federal crest.

2007 - Saubermacher gewinnt die EU-weite PPP-Ausschreibung für die Kernraumallianz Voitsberg

Saubermacher wins the PPP tender for ‘Kernraumallianz Voitsberg’.

2007 - Eröffnung einer High-Tech Sortieranlage in Graz

Reopening of a high-tech sorting plant in Graz.

2008 - Saubermacher gewinnt TRIGOS 2008 in der Kategorie Gesellschaft

Saubermacher wins the TRIGOS 2008 award in the ‘Community’ category.

Hans Roth und Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer

Austrian president Dr. Heinz Fischer recognises Hans Roth as Austrian of the Year.

Saubermacher gewinnt TRIGOS

Saubermacher wins the TRIGOS 2009 award in the ‘Ecology’ category.

20 Jahre Saubermacher Slowenien

20th anniversary of Saubermacher Slovenia.

Eröffnung Saubermacher Ecoport

ECOPORT headquarters opened in Feldkirchen bei Graz.

2012 Saubermacher erhält den Österreichischen Staatspreis für Umwelt und Energietechnologie

Saubermacher wins the Austrian state prize for environmental and energy technology.

2012 - Saubermacher eröffnet Forschungsanlage in Graz

Saubermacher opens its in-house research facility in Graz.

Olympus digital camera

Saubermacher begins a joint venture in Abu Dhabi.

Hans Roth Stockerau

Start of the PPP Stockerauer Saubermacher.

2015 - Vorstellung der neuen Service App Daheim

Presentation of the new ‘Daheim’ service app.

Saubermacher erwirbt 55 Unternehmensanteile von REDUX

Saubermacher acquires 55% of the company shares in the German battery recycler REDUX.


The first waste water-free treatment plant in Europe for industrial waste water.

2015 - Start des Onlineshops www.wastebox.at

The online shop www.wastebox.at is opened.


Saubermacher acquires 100% of the German battery recycler REDUX and opens a REDUX site in Offenbach.

2016- EAG Aufbereitungsanlage St. Michael

Saubermacher opens a waste electrical and electronic treatment plant in St. Michael for the recovery of secondary raw materials from waste electrical and electronic equipment.

2017 - Digitale Disruption Die neue App wastebox.biz, in nur 9 Monaten von Saubermacher entwickelt, revolutioniert die Entsorgungswirtschaft.

The new wastebox.biz app, developed by Saubermacher in just nine months, revolutionises construction site disposal.

2017 - Hightech für die Umwelt Saubermacher eröffnet ein neues Recyclingzentrum in Slowenien nach dem modernsten Stand der Technik.

Saubermacher opens a high-tech recycling centre for hazardous waste in Slovenia.

2017 - Saubermacher gewinnt den TRIGOS Steiermark 2017 für sein gesamtheitliches CSR-Engagement in der Kategorie Großunternehmen.

Saubermacher wins the TRIGOS Styria 2017 prize for its integrated CSR engagement in the ‘Large company’ category.

2017 - Für seine Projekte im Bereich Re-Use und Recycling von Batteriesystemen wird Saubermacher mit dem Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD ausgezeichnet.

Saubermacher is awarded the Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD for its battery system reuse and recycling projects.

2017 - Saubermacher mit Österreichs erfolgreichstem Höhenbergsteiger Hans Wenzl auf erfolgreicher Umweltexpedition am Mount Everest.

Saubermacher and Austria’s most famous extreme mountain climber Hans Wenzl embark upon a successful environmental expedition on Mount Everest.

2017 - Mit dem Waste Management Day setzt Saubermacher wichtige internationale Impulse im Bereich Abfall- und Recyclingwirtschaft.

Saubermacher uses the Waste Management Day to inject dynamism into the waste and recycling economy.

2017 - Saubermacher setzt Maßstäbe und erreicht europaweit den sensationellen ersten Platz bei GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark).

Saubermacher achieves first place in Europe and third place worldwide in the GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark).

2017 - In Wien nimmt Saubermacher sein modernes Lager- und Behandlungszentrum für gefährliche Abfälle in Betrieb.

Saubermacher commissions its state-of-the-art storage and handling centre for hazardous waste in Vienna.

2018 - Eine 15-jährige Erfolgsgeschichte Mit ThermoTeam haben Saubermacher und Lafarge seit 2003 rund 1 Million Tonnen Ersatzbrennstoff produziert.

A fifteen-year success story: With ThermoTeam, Saubermacher and Lafarge have produced around one million tonnes of alternative fuel since 2003.

Präsentation Daheim App

The Daheim service app is relaunched. Together, Saubermacher and Energie Steiermark give communities and citizens a wider range of ‘smart’ benefits.

2018 - Saubermachers Online Plattform zur Baustellenentsorgung wastebox.biz startet gemeinsam mit Veolia einen internationalen Expansionskurs.

Saubermacher’s online platform for construction site disposal, wastebox.biz, starts an international programme of expansion, beginning in Germany in conjunction with Veolia.

2018 - Saubermacher eröffnet im deutschen Bremerhaven eine neue High-Tech Recyclinganlage für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien.

Opening of a high-tech recycling plant for lithium-ion batteries in Bremerhaven, Germany.

2018 - Interseroh und Saubermacher gründen das Joint Venture SIMPLi RETURN und damit das erste globale Recyclingsystem für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien.

Interseroh and Saubermacher establish the SIMPLi RETURN joint venture and therefore the first global recycling system for lithium-ion batteries.


Saubermacher invests around two million Euros in the upgrade of the sorting plant for plastic packaging in Graz and increases material recycling rates to 40%.


Energie Steiermark and Saubermacher present their new ‘Smart Village’ digital project.

2018 - Am Standort Trofaiach eröffnet Saubermacher die neue Aufbereitungsanlage für Industrie- und Gewerbeabwässer.

Saubermacher opens the new treatment plant for waste water from industry and business at its Trofaiach site.

2018 - Saubermacher präsentiert die moderne Recyclinganlage für Kühlgeräte in Havlickuv Brod, Tschechien.

Saubermacher presents its state-of-the-art recycling plant for refrigeration appliances in Havlickuv Brod, Czech Republic.


GRESB declares Saubermacher the most sustainable recycling firm in the world.

2018- Die EU-UmweltministerInnen informieren sich bei Saubermacher über innovative Aufbereitungsverfahren und digitale Lösungen in der Recyclingwirtschaft.

EU environment ministers seek advice from Saubermacher on innovative treatment methods and digital recycling solutions.

2019-Saubermacher investiert in die Ersatzbrennstoff-Anlagen

Saubermacher invests around three million Euros in alternative fuel systems for its subsidiary ThermoTeam, thereby setting a new recycling standard.

2019 - wastebox.biz ist in Frankreich live

Wastebox.biz is live in France.

Umweltdialog bei Saubermacher

Together with Federal Minister Elisabeth Köstinger, Saubermacher invites to an environmental dialogue in Feldkirchen near Graz.


Saubermacher supports the project “Blühende und summende Wiesen” to promote the habitat of native insects.


Saubermacher receives the award TRIGOS in the category climate protection.


The joint project with Energie Steiermark “Smart Village” is showing its first major successes.

Saubermacher erneut nachhaltigster Entsorger der Welt

Once again GRESB declares Saubermacher the most sustainable recycling firm in the world.

Gruppenfoto jubelnd

Saubermacher celebrates its 40th anniversary.

Das Saubermacher Team erhält eine Urkunde

Saubermacher receives the award as the most family-friendly company in Styria.


PPP Schilcherland Saubermacher is founded

Wastebox container is positioned in front of the government quarter in Berlin.

Acquisition of Wastebox Deutschland GmbH.

Michaela Heider/Skirennläuferin, Hans Roth/Saubermacher, Julia Zotter/Zotter und David Trum-mer/Profi-Downhillbiker mit den intelligenten Mülltonnen und Hightech Sensor ANDI (Automatisch, Nachhaltig, Digital, Intelligent)

Saubermacher relies on digital disposal using the high-tech ANDI sensor.

Saubermacher honours the ‘hero of climate protection’ for the first time

Saubermacher and Minister Leonore Gewessler honour the ‘hero of climate protection’ for the first time

waste glass container with high-tech sensor ANDI, Photo credits: Saubermacher

Smart Waste in Lower Austria: Horn and Tulln are capitalising on innovative glass and household waste disposal technologies.

(from left to right): Hans Roth, founder of Saubermacher; Robert Maierhofer, Head of Quality, Safety and Environment; Ralf Mittermayr, CEO of Saubermacher; photo credit: Saubermacher

Saubermacher has been named the world´s most sustainable disposal company in the GRESB rating for the fourth time in a row and has also been awarded a 5-star ranking for its sustainability operations.

Gassner gehört zu 100 % zur Saubermacher Familie

Since 1 July, the Pinzgau waste disposal company Gassner has been 100% part of the Saubermacher family.

Beim Pressegespräch am 19. Mai 2022 zur branchenübergreifenden Initiative von Denzel, Porsche Austria und Saubermacher: R. Mittermayr/Saubermacher, W. Wurm/Porsche Austria, G. Strassl/Denzel, W. Kogler/Vizekanzler Österreich, K. Edelsbrunner/Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, H. Roth/Saubermacher (v.l.n.r.), Fotorechte: Saubermacher

New Saubermacher Battery Services GmbH completes the circular economy for e-mobility.

Mit der Aufstellung des Stationären Speichers aus alten E-Autobatterien beim ECOPORT wurde das Projekt SecondLife - Batteries4Storage erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

The SecondLife – Batteries4Storage project was successfully completed with the installation of the stationary storage unit made from old electric car batteries at ECOPORT.

Der neue E-LKW wird von Saubermacher in der Region Mürztal für die Entsorgung von Leichtverpackung eingesetzt. Der

First electric HGV in use at Saubermacher for the disposal of lightweight packaging.

Redwood acquired 100 percent of Saubermacher subsidiary Redux Recycling GmbH, the leading lithium-ion battery recycler in the EU, as of 14 September 2023. Saubermacher will remain active in the field of lithium battery recycling in a strategic partnership with Redwood.

Saubermacher is placing the expansion of its self-developed recycling process for lithium-ion batteries in the hands of Redwood Materials Inc.

Construction company PORR, drywall specialist Saint-Gobain (known as the RIGIPS brand) and waste management company Saubermacher are launching Austria's first gypsum-to-plaster recycling plant.

Porr, Saint-Gobain & Saubermacher launch Austria’s first gypsum-to-gypsum recycling plant.

certificated quality

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001
Zertifizierter Entsorgungsfachbetrieb
BGF Gütesiegel 2022
trend TOP employer 2024 in Austria
Logo Staatspreis
LRQA 25 year award