report 2021
Commitment to environmental and climate protection, taking social responsibility and future-focused corporate management are key ingredients for a successful company. In the current sustainability report, Saubermacher outlines the measures and actions that were taken in these areas between 2018 and 2021.
Previous successes and long-term plans. A lot has happened at Saubermacher since the last sustainability update in 2018. Improving recycling rates thanks to a range of expansions and modernisations of recycling plants are helping to ensure that more recycled raw materials are available for reuse. There have also been a number of innovations and ambitious goals in the vehicle fleet. But where is Saubermacher’s journey headed in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Green Deal? What challenges need to be overcome? CEO Ralf Mittermayr offers insights and views on Saubermacher’s strategy and sustainability goals for the coming years.
Transparent key facts and added value for all. Of course, customers can find the usual figures, data and facts for their own reporting. A special treat: children and the young at heart can playfully dedicate themselves to waste separation.
You can read our current sustainability report here:
»Both in the public interest and anchored in the KAGes climate and energy strategy, cooperation with environmentally conscious and regional companies and waste disposal partners is to be advocated. Sustainable waste management is essential to achieve KAGes' defined goals of "climate neutrality and energy security by 2040".«
Operations Director of LKH-Univ. Klinikum Graz
»Saubermacher guarantees the professional disposal of all waste fractions generated at the NHM in compliance with safety-relevant as well as environmental protection guidelines and regulations. The NHM also benefits from Saubermacher's many years of experience in the disposal of hazardous materials. Saubermacher is a reliable partner for sustainable waste management.«
Director General and Scientific Director Natural History Museum Vienna
»The circular economy is climate protection. As innovation leaders for a circular economy, we also need waste management partners like Saubermacher who have sustainability in their DNA. Because only together can we achieve the EU recycling targets in an economically and ecologically sensible way.«
Board of Directors ARA AG