Chemical waste evaluations

Eine Laborantin in weißem Kittel arbeitet mit modernen Analysegeräten im Labor. Sie führt eine chemische Untersuchung an Proben durch, die im Rahmen der chemischen Abfallbeurteilung analysiert werden. Der Fokus liegt auf der Bestimmung von Schadstoffen und der Einhaltung von Umweltvorschriften.
Our accredited laboratory offers a full-range of waste chemical evaluations to satisfy legal requirements. Quick, safe and reliable.

Our services

  • Evaluation of industrial sewage sludge and different waste streams
  • Experienced specialists and state-of-the-art instruments and methods
  • Proper, environmentally-friendly recycling of all hazardous and non-hazardous waste
  • Waste and dangerous goods advisers

Your benefits

Take advantage of our comprehensive range of services, including advice, laboratory analysis, recycling and sustainable recovery.

  • Satisfy legal obligations as a waste owner
  • Standardised sampling and quality-assured analysis
  • Quick and flexible order execution by our in-house accredited laboratory
  • Budget certainty thanks to prompt cost planning
  • Disposal costs reduced
  • All from a single source

You want to use our service?

We are looking forward to your enquiry!

We will get in touch with you within the next working day.

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24/7 emergency service
+43 59 800 - 5000
sewer and pipe blockages
in case of oil alerts
Stmk · W · Nö · Bgld
Customer Service
+43 59 800 5000
Mo-Th 7:30–17:00, Fr 7:30–15:30