Commercial waste

Whoever produces the waste is responsible for legally-compliant organisation of recycling of commercial/industrial waste. Saubermacher can support you with proper disposal and recycling to help you save time and costs.
Our services
- Needs-based collection containers, including sensor equipment,
if required - Separation into waste paper and card, glass, bio waste, tin and aluminium, lightweight packaging waste
- Chip-based weighing to record commercial waste at its point of origin
- State-of-the-art collection vehicles
- Efficient and individually optimised collection rounds
- On-site separation training, if required
- Digital solutions, such as the Saubermacher customer portal
Your benefits
Saubermacher offers the optimal recycling solution for your commercial waste Increase your company’s efficiency, stay on the right side of the law and help to protect the environment.
- Freedom of collection times/intervals
- Perfectly coordinated container sizes
- Time and costs saved thanks to quantity balancing and individual container weighing
- One point of contact for all processing
You want to use our service?
We are looking forward to your enquiry!