Grease separator cleaning

Die Aufnahme zeigt einen Mitarbeiter von Saubermacher bei der Reinigung eines Fettabscheiders. In Schutzkleidung ausgestattet, arbeitet er mit einem Industrieschlauch, der an ein modernes Spezialfahrzeug angeschlossen ist. Der Prozess gewährleistet die ordnungsgemäße Entfernung von Fett- und Ölresten, um gesetzliche und hygienische Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Die Szene symbolisiert den professionellen und effizienten Einsatz für Gastronomie- und Gewerbebetriebe. Fotocredit: Saubermacher
Regular cleaning and maintenance help to prolong the service life of your grease separator, while at the same time minimising expensive repair costs.

Our services

  • Inspection and maintenance of all grease separator models
  • Grease level measurements
  • Sludge trap and grease separator internal wall inspections
  • Investigations for corrosion around the three-phase boundary (water, grease, air layer)
  • Functional checks of electrical equipment and installations
  • Test reports prepared
  • Maintenance logs completed
  • Cleaning of grease separators
  • Rapid, professional cleaning of systems, including filter systems
  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Documentation of all work carried out in the maintenance log

Your benefits

Saubermacher provides regular and professional maintenance and cleaning of your grease separator so that you can enjoy proper and effective operation.

  • Functional capacity and life cycle maximised
  • Security thanks to documentation of all maintenance and cleaning processes in the maintenance log.
  • Costs minimised thanks to competent advice and expertise
  • Odours, backlogs and clogs prevented
  • Legal certainty
  • One point of contact for all processing

You want to use our service?

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24/7 emergency service
+43 59 800 - 5000
sewer and pipe blockages
in case of oil alerts
Stmk · W · Nö · Bgld
Customer Service
+43 59 800 5000
Mo-Th 7:30–17:00, Fr 7:30–15:30