Smart Collection Platform

Saubermacher truck on map with coordinates and a smartphone.
The Smart Collection Platform optimises waste logistics for disposal at public waste collection facilities, e.g. for glass and old clothing, but also within industrial sites or large events sites. The platform has been developed by SLOC. As a co-initiator and early user, Saubermacher understands the practicalities of route optimisation and can support you.

How does the Smart Collection Platform work?

ANDI (the German acronym for automatic, sustainable, digital, innovative), a high-tech sensor integrated into waste containers, measures fill levels and reports them to a portal. An intelligent algorithm bundles all relevant data, e.g. that concerning the vehicle fleet, working time limitations, collection stations, etc., with live data from the high-tech sensor. The platform determines an efficient disposal route with low CO2 emissions. The driver receives the optimised collection route onto his smartphone or tablet in the vehicle via a mobile order management system.

Our services

  • Individual consulting services before, during and after introduction
  • Benchmarks from different deployment regions
  • Continuous platform improvement
  • Support with PR and household information (‘image’)

Your benefits

The platform schedules optimal resource deployment and executes disposal routes efficiently. Overfilled containers and untidy collection points can be consigned to the past, improving the way they look and making residents happier.

  • Quick and easy implementation
  • Higher efficiency and lower costs
  • Complete transparency in real time (e.g. on container fill levels, execution status, key figures at the press of a button, etc.)
  • Easy to use – one tool for master data, route generation and reports
  • Improved climate protection thanks to reduced CO2
  • Positive image – use of innovative, European solutions for better environmental protection

You want to use our service?

We are looking forward to your enquiry!

We will get in touch with you within the next working day.

I acknowledge the Data Protection Statement.


24/7 emergency service
+43 59 800 - 5000
sewer and pipe blockages
in case of oil alerts
Stmk · W · Nö · Bgld
Customer Service
+43 59 800 5000
Mo-Th 7:30–17:00, Fr 7:30–15:30