Disassembly and demolitions

Demontagen und Abbrüche: Von Öltanks bis hin zu ganzen Industrieanlagen, Saubermacher übernimmt die komplette Abwicklung, bis hin zur nachhaltigen Entsorgung. Holen Sie sich noch heute einen Beratungstermin und profitieren Sie von unserem Fachwissen!
Whether it’s oil tanks, lifts, heating and ventilation systems, complete industrial plants or old industrial buildings – Saubermacher can disassemble or demolish all types of structures for you. After a visit from our experts, you will be sent an individualised offer. You will have a single contact person for the entire process, including the sustainable disposal of the waste in question.

Our services

  • Cleaning before disassembly
  • Disassembly and demolition of e.g.
    • Heating systems and tanks
    • Ventilation systems
    • Steel constructions
    • Industrial containers
    • Buildings and structures
  • Specialist tools for dismantling and removal
  • Rapid disassembly or demolition by experienced specialists
  • Removal and environmentally-friendly recycling and disposal
  • Analysis by our in-house accredited laboratory (clug)

Your benefits

  • Expert advice and in-depth specialist knowledge, optimising costs
  • Time savings thanks to state-of-the-art disassembly and demolition methods
  • Proper separation and environmentally-friendly recycling of all waste accrued
  • Compliance with the law, including waste management legislation
  • One point of contact for all processing

You want to use our service?

We are looking forward to your enquiry!

We will get in touch with you within the next working day.

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Frequently asked questions

Here are five points you should clarify before demolishing or gutting a building:

  1. Approval: Is the demolition required to be notified to or approved by the building authorities?
  2. Demolition or renovation? Which is more beneficial (outlay, demolition costs, etc.)?
  3. Who will undertake the demolition?
  4. Who will dispose of building rubble etc.?
  5. Does the structure include any hazardous waste, e.g. asbestos? This must be collected and disposed of separately.

Saubermacher has decades of experience with construction site waste management and is happy to advise you. We will visit the site and then provide you with a customised quote. Contact our customer services team to make an appointment.

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+43 59 800 - 5000
sewer and pipe blockages
in case of oil alerts
Stmk · W · Nö · Bgld
Customer Service
+43 59 800 5000
Mo-Th 7:30–17:00, Fr 7:30–15:30